Our environmental and social policy strategy, procedures, and compliance are developed and managed by a broad representation of our company.

Raymond Lin
ESG Committee Chairperson
Mohegan’s Management Board, which provides oversight of the ESG Committee, is comprised entirely of elected members of the Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut with a 13 generations perspective, focusing on sustainability and preservation of the resources that support this long-term view.
The ESG Committee is comprised of key leadership across geographies, functional disciplines, and areas of expertise. The ESG Committee is chartered to assist the Management Board and the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority.
The ESG Committee is overseen by the Management Board and Mohegan’s President and CEO, with regular reporting on initiatives and metrics. The Compliance Committee is independently chaired and includes Management Board and executive representatives. The Audit Committee includes independent and Management Board level seats and meets with independent auditors. Property-level Compliance and Audit Committees with independent membership operate in certain domestic and international jurisdictions.
Mohegan has established Management Board level seats on our Compliance and Audit Committees to ensure an open communication channel with the Management Board and supports a culture of compliance throughout the organization.
Responsible Gaming
The Compliance Committee is independently chaired and includes Board and executive representatives. The Audit Committee includes independent and Board level seats and meets with independent auditors. Property-level Compliance and Audit Committees with independent membership operate in certain domestic and international jurisdictions.

Business Ethics
Mohegan has established Board level seats in Compliance and Audit Committees to ensure an open communication channel with the Board and supports a culture of compliance throughout the organization.
Whistleblower Program
Mohegan operates a formal whistleblower program for anonymous, independently proctored, reporting at all properties under the oversight of Audit & Compliance Committees.
Harassment and Discrimination
Mohegan has an enterprise-wide policy regarding harassment and discrimination and requires regular (annual or bi-annual based on the property) training for supervisors and above.
Code of Ethics/Conduct
Mohegan requires regular (annual or bi-annual based on the property) training for supervisors and above, with certain compensation tied to the completion of all training.
View Mohegan Code Of Ethics
Internal Audit
Mohegan has ongoing internal auditing capabilities at all operational properties with direct Audit and Compliance Committee reporting.